Tuesday, August 18, 2009


In the spirit of this post, I am sharing some of the colour, the light and dark, the imperfect, the wouldn't trade it for anything, of our garden space.

It is sanctuary and swaying humming life.

It has changed over the years, with knowledge and wisdom. It changes enough in the seasons to keep me growing there too.


  1. It is sanctuary and swaying humming life.

    My grandmother's garden was like that. You make me miss her. And all the things I learned from her life.

  2. wow.
    love this.
    and the flowers...wow again. my dream is too have more flowers in my flower garden than weeds. ahh well.
    i guess i am growing other "flowers" right now. ;)

  3. Lovely pictures. I'd feel cheered too from this lovely garden. There's nothing like nurturing living things, is there?

    Thanks for your comments at Hill Country Mysteries. Your thoughts are always day-brighteners.

    Denny finished extended meds in June and we believe is Lyme-free. It was frightening but knowing that he was getting the best treatment helped lift the load.

    I'm good too. It's been almost 13 years since I finished cancer treatment and the likelihood of recurrence is low now. As painful and difficult as that time was, I learned from it. Life is short, live now.

  4. i hadn't planted potted flowers this year because, well, my space has been invaded and so i just didn't have the spirit to do it. usually, by this time of the season, the pots are overgrown and flowing with gorgeous colors. i'm ready. i'm going for new potting s for fall, something i rarely do. i can't wait. thanks for motivating!
